Tag Archives: Prius

It doesn’t take a lot of money to make your business or workplace EV Friendly

Maybe you have been told that you need to install expensive charging equipment to charge Plug in Vehicles. You see these charging stations many places now days. They cost about $3000 each plus installation.Blink Chargers in front of a business

Notice that there is only one charge station per space. This is actually a big waste of resources. If you are going to install chargers like this you should place them where they can reach at least two spaces or if it’s not to expensive to run the wiring to place them where they are accessible to up to four spaces at once. Like the picture below.

The best way to install Car Charging Stations.

The best way to install Car Charging Stations.

Some cars may only need 30-minutes to an hour to charge and others may need 2-3 hours. If these were at a mall one driver might be getting coffee while another might be seeing a movie. By putting the charger where more than one vehicle could access it the movie goer might be charged before the movie is over and another driver could unplug and start charging their vehicle.

A portable charger for an electric vehicle.

A portable charger for an electric vehicle.


But why install expensive equipment when all many EV’s need is a plug. Many of us have our own portable charging equipment like the picture to the right.

Most if not all Electric Vehicles come with a portable charging cord and adapter. Most if not all work on standard 110v power outlets.  The one you see here has been upgraded to not only use 110v power but 220v as well. So if your business has a standard power outlet or can install a 220v outlet or two near a parking space or two, you are now an EV Friendly workplace or business.

RV Plug Enclosure

RV Plug Enclosure

You can buy an outlet and waterproof enclosure like this at Home Depot for as little as $60 and they can be installed for as little as $100 in many cases.

Save the money on the expensive bling (sorry, Blink) and let your employees or customers charge for free. Let your EV customers know that you have a plug and they will more thank likely spend more time and money at your establishment.

Another thing you can do is if you have 110v outlets scattered around your parking lot, designate the spaces near them as EV Spaces. Just like you see people at the airport plugging in their laptops and cell phones to the nearest outlet, EV cars would be able to do the same thing. And at the speed a 110v outlet charges they will be spending far more than the 25 cents an hour or so in electricity they might be using. Even if you let them charge on a 20-30amp 220volt outlet the most it would cost is about $2.50to fully charge the vehicle.  If you sell high ticket items or even charge $20-30 for an average meal the extra business you would get would be worth the expense of catering to the EV market.

EV driver are also among the top earners. Even hybrid drivers are usually far above median income earners. This is a pretty good customer base for any business.